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Annual meeting play like this? These guys are so good at acting
Annual meeting
Looking back at the past and looking forward to the new future

Work together to create success
Riding the wind and waves, creating a win-win situation

Year-end summary

——Leader's speech——

Grateful to have you in past year
Don't forget the original intention
 we will stride forward

Team skits show

Every team show up one by one

With the sound of music, the wonderful show begins on the brightly lit stage! ! !

Funny skits

Skit“Five-finger Mountain”
TeamCute unit group of journey to the west

Skit“The Story of Tang Sanzang and India Girls”
TeamIndia girls' generation

SkitJourney to the West: Time Travel
TeamConvert to Buddhism group

SkitDemon of Journey to the West
TeamLeague of demon

SkitQueen of girls country choose her Mr. Right  
Team: Leap team

Every team dress up as character of Journey to the West. Every team show their best acting skills. And the scene is full of laughter! ! !

Awards ceremony

Thumbs up for great staffs! Learn from great staffs!

lucky draw

The lottery starts! Everyone's heart is racing. Every staff hope to get the prizes they like! When the grand prize winner appeared, the atmosphere reached its climax.

New Year greeting

In 2022, YISON staff raise their glasses to welcome the new year. We will stride forward together, work hard, and make great achievements!

YISON——Audio Expert

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